
Renadyl™ – Product Overview

Description of Product

Product  description

Renadyl™ is a kidney health supplement that has been scientifically formulated and clinically tested to reduce nitrogenous waste metabolites in the bowel and also stabilize healthy gut flora.

Our probiotic formulation of S.thermophilus (KB19), L.acidophilus (KB27) and B.longum (KB31) are naturally occurring microbes that target and metabolize various nitrogenous wastes that diffuse from the bloodstream into the bowel.

These beneficial microbes have a high affinity to metabolize and consume the targeted nitrogenous waste products. Renadyl™ also contains two types of prebiotic fibers, which allow the probiotic microbes to flourish, as well as promoting the growth of your own healthy gut microbes.

Highlights of Product

Product  highlights

1. High concentration of probiotic microbes, 45 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) per acid-resistant capsule.

2. Three proprietary strains of probiotics, selected by science for their ability to metabolize nitrogenous waste.

3. Two prebiotic fibers, to promote the growth of the probiotics found in Renadyl™ and your own beneficial gut microbes.

4. Three clinical trials and three customer surveys have proven Renadyl™’s ability to maintain healthy kidney function and improve quality of life.

Dual Mechanism of Action: Enteric Toxin Removal Technology

The probiotics and prebiotics in Renadyl work together to reduce the burden on kidneys through two processes.


  • Commensal bacteria and functional fiber in Renadyl increase short-chain fatty acids, improve intestinal epithelial integrity, and decrease leakage of inflammatory markers, uremic/CV toxins, and bacteria into systemic circulation.
  • The probiotics in Renadyl metabolize the uremic/nitrogenous waste metabolites in the gut.


  • Circulating uremic and cardiovascular toxins such as urea, uric acid, and creatinine diffuse into the gastrointestinal tract, where they are metabolized by the probiotics in Renadyl and removed by natural fecal elimination.

Success Stories

  • I took 1 capsule at all 3 meals for 2 weeks and then increased to 2 capsules each meal with absolutely no untoward GI symptoms. I am also beginning to note an improvement in vascular function.

    A physician and CKD patient California Has taken Renadyl™ for 6 months
  • On December 3rd, my BUN was 96, and by January 7th it was 64. I was not careful with my diet during the holiday season, so I attribute this big shift to Renadyl™.

    A physician and CKD patient Connecticut Has taken Renadyl™ for 1½ years
  • I was losing a lot of weight and I was looking very yellow in the face. People were saying that I was looking already dead. And now I have color in my face. I look normal and my vitality has totally increased.
    Barbara N A patient using Renadyl™

Know About Probiotics

Probiotics are broadly defined as live microorganisms that provide health benefits to their host (eg, people) when taken in adequate amount/quantity.7 These organisms are often found within your body, food, or other supplements and are classified as “good” bacteria. When most people hear the word “bacteria,” they think of infection or disease.

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